Balance is fundamental in our lives: on a personal level, to be at ease with oneself, with others, at home, at work. Thanks to it we manage to be healthy and happy or, the opposite, if we have lost it. If we extrapolate this to society, balance is essential for social and global progress.
At Enrique Tomás we want to return part of our benefits to society in order to advance in this social balance and try to achieve a better place to live in. For this reason, we have based our action on three pillars:

Feeding the hungry today
The first pillar focuses on immediate attention to those who are hungry today, through projects such as Mensajeros de la Paz in Madrid, for example. This organisation works tirelessly to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 2, known as "Zero Hunger". Its aim is to provide decent, varied and quality food to vulnerable people, including homeless people. Our bit is to donate ham sandwiches to the more than 100 people who pass through the church of San Antón every day. Father Angel and Sister Lucia are key figures in this noble work, being the soul of Mensajeros de la Paz, and their dedication is fundamental to offer help to those who need it most.

Contributing to eradicating tomorrow's hunger in the world
The second pillar focuses on supporting projects that aim to eradicate hunger in the world. An inspiring example is the project in Uganda called "Masaka Kids Afrikan". These are orphaned children who face conflict and health problems in their country, including lack of access to clean water. Hence, our support is for the construction of water wells as a valuable contribution to improve their living conditions, as well as to cover the basic needs in food, medicine and schooling of the 46 children in their home.

Supporting research
The third pillar is to support research. Overcoming a pandemic such as the one we have experienced worldwide, after its devastating effects, has been achieved thanks to research, vaccines and the efforts of many scientists. In our country, we are fortunate to have great references such as Dr. Pilar Mateo and Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, who have fought against terrible diseases for decades, such as AIDS, Ebola, Dengue and many others. At Enrique Tomás, supporting researchers like them, as well as research centres and projects that seek to improve global health, is a fundamental step towards building a more equitable and healthier world for all.
And you, will you join us in helping to build a better world?