Enrique Tomás without borders
Enrique Tomás is no longer limited by borders. For quite some time, many customers have been asking when we will open in different places. Well, the time has come, the time to make dreams come true.
With great excitement and anticipation, we proudly say: Ready, set, GO! Enrique Tomás will soon be in:
- Ibiza
- Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)
- Cuchilleros (Madrid)
- Goya (Madrid)
- Málaga (Mijas)
- Neil St. (London)
- Manila (Philippines)
Imagine waking up in any of these cities and having a breakfast with an acorn-fed ham croissant or enjoying a delicious ham mollete at Enrique Tomás, while your children, siblings, or friends indulge in some tomasitos and your mother enjoys a toasted acorn-fed ham coca.
Ibiza In Ibiza, you'll be able to buy acorn-fed ham from all 4 different regions.
Barcelona The Sagrada Familia neighborhood in Barcelona will finally have the Enrique Tomás store they've been asking for.
Madrid The more classic Madrid will be able to savor all the flavors of ham; Goya and Cuchilleros will soon become Enrique Tomás streets.
Málaga Málaga is another destination where we're bringing Enrique Tomás ham, as we're opening in the Carrefour of Mijas. We couldn't be more excited!
London The English who are already amazed by our Soho store will now also find the delicious Enrique Tomás #jamwich in the central Covent Garden.
Manila A few months ago, we were talking about Enrique Tomás in Manila, and very soon it will be a reality. In the Philippines, they'll soon be able to indulge in ham.
- Our project in the Philippines is out of this world. We hope that Ibérico will be the next rice there. Ham is not only beloved by Spaniards but also by foreigners. In fact, 80% of foreigners who come to Spain have "eating ham" on their to-do list. Well, now the expansion of Enrique Tomás ham is a reality! Don't miss any updates ;)
If you want to be part of this exciting project, reach out to: franquicias@enriquetomas.com We'll keep you informed!