ham dictionary
►Arroba aroβa (n): It is a measure of weight used in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America that is used to weigh pigs. Equivalent to 11.5 kg.
Pronunciation: at
►Extra virgin olive oil: aθei̯te de oliβ̞a biɾxen ekstɾa: It is the type of oil with the highest quality. It is obtained directly from olives in good condition of the highest quality. It is the healthiest vegetable oil, since it contains oleic acid, which reduces cholesterol and heart disease.
Translation: Extra virgin olive oil.
Pronunciation: extra virgin olive oil
►Bellota beʝota (n): Fruit of the holm oak and other trees such as oak. It is green during its youth and gradually turns brown as it matures. It is then that its smooth hood detaches from the tree, ushering in the montanera season, when the pigs are left to graze to feed on this highly energetic fruit.
Translation: Acorn .
Pronunciation: beyota
►Boð̞eɣ̞a (n) Cellar: It is a dimly lit room where the ham ripens. Translation: Cellar .
Pronunciation: cellar
►Cala kala (n): A cala is a pointed instrument made with bone or wood that ham masters use to “calar”, that is, to make punctures in different parts of the ham to determine at what point of maturation the piece is.
Pronunciation: kala
►Cava kaβa (n): It is a sparkling wine made with grapes made mainly in Catalonia. It uses the same traditional manufacturing process as champagne, adapting native varieties. The aging can be: young (from 9 to 15 months in the bottle), Reserva (from 15 to 30 months in the bottle) and Gran Reserva (more than 30 months in the bottle).
Pronunciation: Kava
►Cecina θeθina (n): It is a type of meat similar to ham, made with boneless beef. It has a very characteristic flavor due to the smoking process with oak and holm oak firewood, and its curing process in salt. It has a slightly fibrous texture and is served in slices.
Translation: Dried meat.
Pronunciation: zezina
►Chicharrones ͡ʧi ͡ʧarones (n): Typical product with a crunchy touch similar to puff pastry. It has toasted tastes and aromas. It is perfect for appetizers and snacks between meals. It is made with bacon and salt.
Pronunciation: txitxarrones
►Chorizo CHəˈrēzō (n): It is a very popular sausage in Spain. It is made with minced pork marinated with spices, especially sweet paprika, which gives it a characteristic reddish color as well as a spicy flavor. It is eaten mainly in slices.
Pronunciation: txorizo
►Coca kōkə (n): It is a type of flattened bread, typical of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. It is served roasted to get a crunchy texture. It is used to complement other products.
Pronunciation: koka
►Ku ͡ʧiʝo xamõneɾo ham knife: It is a long knife with a narrow and flexible blade. It must be well sharpened so that the blade slides effortlessly through the cutting area. It is used to cut the part of the meat, with a position perpendicular to the leg of ham. Translation: Ham carve knife.
Pronunciation: kutxiyo ham holder
►Cure kuɾaθjon (n): Many sausages, including ham, are raw products that undergo a curing process. Each region and each product has its peculiarities as a result of tradition. The essential ingredients are salt and time.
Translation: Curing.
Pronunciation: kurazion
►Dehesa deesa (n): Dehesas are a type of ecosystem made up of holm oaks, cork oaks, gall oaks and kermes oaks, very typical in the south and southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. These are large tracts of land cared for by man so that the pig can graze freely and fatten in the traditional way.
Pronunciation: deesa
►Fuet fwed (n): It is a Catalan sausage. It is made with lean pork, salt, garlic and black pepper. He is thin and narrow and has skin with a white undertone. It is served in thick slices.
Pronunciation: Fuet
►Jamón xamõn (n): It is used generically to refer to meat cured with salt and time that comes from the front or hind leg of the pig. Specifically, the ham is the hind leg, with more amount of ham. Pronunciation: ham
►Longaniza lonˠganiθa (n): It is a type of long sausage, made with lean pork, bacon and spices. Served in thin slices, it is dark red in color with white dots.
Pronunciation: sausage
►Loin loin (n): It is made with lean pork from the back, garlic, oregano and sweet paprika. It is easily identified by its reddish color. It is one of the most valued sausages for its flavor.
pronunciation: loin
►Maestro ham maker maestɾo xamõneɾo: A good ham master master skillfully masters the art of cutting ham to get thin and perfect slices. In addition, it judges if a ham has reached its optimal curing moment by means of a tactile and olfactory examination. It is like a winemaker in the world of wine. This ability is achieved with years of experience and wisdom that is passed down from generation to generation.
Pronunciation: ham master
►Slaughter matan̪̟θa (n): It is done at the beginning of the year in the mountains, where it is cold, where the pig is sacrificed, carefully bled and deboned. It is carried out at this time since the cold of the high altitudes help to preserve the noble meats of the pig. Once done, the conservation and healing process begins.
Translation: Slaughter.
Pronunciation: slaughter
►Mayoral maʝoɾal (n): He is a shepherd who is in charge of directing the herd of pigs to the areas with the most mature acorns and greenest grass, watching that they exercise so that they acquire muscle and that the slower and less alert specimens also eat corresponding portion of acorns. It is a very old trade with a great tradition.
Pronunciation: majoral
►Merma meɾma (n): It is the weight loss suffered by the leg of the pig during the curing process to make the ham. That is to say, if a leg weighs 7 Kg, originally it weighed 14 Kg. T
Translation: Decrease.
Pronunciation: depletion
►Montanera mõn̪taneɾa (n): is the last phase of Iberian pig breeding before slaughter. It goes from October to February, conceding with the period of maturation of the acorns, which have detached from the tree and cover the pastures. They let the pigs graze freely in the pastures, where the fattening process takes place in the traditional way.
Pronunciation: mountain
►Mollete de Antequera moʝete de ãn̪tekeɾa: It is a type of typically Andalusian soft crumb bread with an oval shape, making a cut in the middle as if it were a clam to eat it with sausage and oil. There are different types, being that of the town of Antequera the most common. It is baked to eat it hot.
Pronunciation: antekera muffin
►Palette shoulder (n): It is the front leg of the pig cured in the same way as ham. Its cutting is more laborious since it has more bone. Pronunciation: palette
►Piara pjaɾa (n): Herd or herd of pigs. Translation: Herd.
Pronunciation: piara
►Origin pɾoθeð̞en̪̟θja (n): Indicates the place where the ham has been cured. It is very important as it greatly affects the flavor of the ham. Each region has its customs that are the result of tradition. The origin bears fruit to the denominations of origin. Translation: provenance.
Pronunciation: prosedenzia
►Puntilla pun̪tiʝa (n): It is a short knife with a rigid and inflexible blade that is used to separate the stuck meat from the bones and separate the outer bacon rind. It also serves to mark the bone and prevent the ham knife from touching it.
Pronunciation: lace
►Salchichón salʲ ͡ʧ i ͡ʧ on (n): It is a sausage very similar to the sausage, but it is wider and is spicier when it has pepper. Its ingredients are: minced lean pork, bacon, salt and spices such as pepper, oregano, nutmeg and cloves. Cut into thin slices to serve as an appetizer or sandwich.
Pronunciation: saltxitxon
►Sobrasada soβ̞ɾasað̞a (n): It is a typical Mallorcan sausage, with a very reddish color due to the sweet paprika with which it is seasoned. It is made from selected pork meats, salt and a little black pepper. In traditional Mallorcan cuisine, sobrassada is consumed in various ways, but above all it is served on bread.
Pronunciation: sobrasada
►Tapa tapa (n): In Spain it is a tradition to go out for tapas, that is, to go to different bars and eat small appetizers. Renowned chefs with Michelin stars also offer tapas in their restaurants and it is very common to find them in any bar.
Pronunciation: cap
►Toθino bacon (n): It is the part of the fat that is found under the skin of the pig. It is eatable. Acorn-fed ham is especially healthy, since bacon contains all the oleic acid provided by acorns, which is beneficial for health. It is whitish in color that becomes transparent when touched as it melts. This does not happen with reserve ham, with a more yellowish color.
Translation: fat.
Pronunciation: tosino
►Tomasito tomasito (n): It is a type of muffin bread with a size similar to that of a bun. It is baked and opened in the shape of a clam to put sausage, cheese or other food. It is white with a soft crumb, since it is very tender. It is a typical bread from Andalusia, in southern Spain.
Pronunciation: tomato
Pronunciation: at
►Extra virgin olive oil: aθei̯te de oliβ̞a biɾxen ekstɾa: It is the type of oil with the highest quality. It is obtained directly from olives in good condition of the highest quality. It is the healthiest vegetable oil, since it contains oleic acid, which reduces cholesterol and heart disease.
Translation: Extra virgin olive oil.
Pronunciation: extra virgin olive oil
►Bellota beʝota (n): Fruit of the holm oak and other trees such as oak. It is green during its youth and gradually turns brown as it matures. It is then that its smooth hood detaches from the tree, ushering in the montanera season, when the pigs are left to graze to feed on this highly energetic fruit.
Translation: Acorn .
Pronunciation: beyota
►Boð̞eɣ̞a (n) Cellar: It is a dimly lit room where the ham ripens. Translation: Cellar .
Pronunciation: cellar
►Cala kala (n): A cala is a pointed instrument made with bone or wood that ham masters use to “calar”, that is, to make punctures in different parts of the ham to determine at what point of maturation the piece is.
Pronunciation: kala
►Cava kaβa (n): It is a sparkling wine made with grapes made mainly in Catalonia. It uses the same traditional manufacturing process as champagne, adapting native varieties. The aging can be: young (from 9 to 15 months in the bottle), Reserva (from 15 to 30 months in the bottle) and Gran Reserva (more than 30 months in the bottle).
Pronunciation: Kava
►Cecina θeθina (n): It is a type of meat similar to ham, made with boneless beef. It has a very characteristic flavor due to the smoking process with oak and holm oak firewood, and its curing process in salt. It has a slightly fibrous texture and is served in slices.
Translation: Dried meat.
Pronunciation: zezina
►Chicharrones ͡ʧi ͡ʧarones (n): Typical product with a crunchy touch similar to puff pastry. It has toasted tastes and aromas. It is perfect for appetizers and snacks between meals. It is made with bacon and salt.
Pronunciation: txitxarrones
►Chorizo CHəˈrēzō (n): It is a very popular sausage in Spain. It is made with minced pork marinated with spices, especially sweet paprika, which gives it a characteristic reddish color as well as a spicy flavor. It is eaten mainly in slices.
Pronunciation: txorizo
►Coca kōkə (n): It is a type of flattened bread, typical of Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. It is served roasted to get a crunchy texture. It is used to complement other products.
Pronunciation: koka
►Ku ͡ʧiʝo xamõneɾo ham knife: It is a long knife with a narrow and flexible blade. It must be well sharpened so that the blade slides effortlessly through the cutting area. It is used to cut the part of the meat, with a position perpendicular to the leg of ham. Translation: Ham carve knife.
Pronunciation: kutxiyo ham holder
►Cure kuɾaθjon (n): Many sausages, including ham, are raw products that undergo a curing process. Each region and each product has its peculiarities as a result of tradition. The essential ingredients are salt and time.
Translation: Curing.
Pronunciation: kurazion
►Dehesa deesa (n): Dehesas are a type of ecosystem made up of holm oaks, cork oaks, gall oaks and kermes oaks, very typical in the south and southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. These are large tracts of land cared for by man so that the pig can graze freely and fatten in the traditional way.
Pronunciation: deesa
►Fuet fwed (n): It is a Catalan sausage. It is made with lean pork, salt, garlic and black pepper. He is thin and narrow and has skin with a white undertone. It is served in thick slices.
Pronunciation: Fuet
►Jamón xamõn (n): It is used generically to refer to meat cured with salt and time that comes from the front or hind leg of the pig. Specifically, the ham is the hind leg, with more amount of ham. Pronunciation: ham
►Longaniza lonˠganiθa (n): It is a type of long sausage, made with lean pork, bacon and spices. Served in thin slices, it is dark red in color with white dots.
Pronunciation: sausage
►Loin loin (n): It is made with lean pork from the back, garlic, oregano and sweet paprika. It is easily identified by its reddish color. It is one of the most valued sausages for its flavor.
pronunciation: loin
►Maestro ham maker maestɾo xamõneɾo: A good ham master master skillfully masters the art of cutting ham to get thin and perfect slices. In addition, it judges if a ham has reached its optimal curing moment by means of a tactile and olfactory examination. It is like a winemaker in the world of wine. This ability is achieved with years of experience and wisdom that is passed down from generation to generation.
Pronunciation: ham master
►Slaughter matan̪̟θa (n): It is done at the beginning of the year in the mountains, where it is cold, where the pig is sacrificed, carefully bled and deboned. It is carried out at this time since the cold of the high altitudes help to preserve the noble meats of the pig. Once done, the conservation and healing process begins.
Translation: Slaughter.
Pronunciation: slaughter
►Mayoral maʝoɾal (n): He is a shepherd who is in charge of directing the herd of pigs to the areas with the most mature acorns and greenest grass, watching that they exercise so that they acquire muscle and that the slower and less alert specimens also eat corresponding portion of acorns. It is a very old trade with a great tradition.
Pronunciation: majoral
►Merma meɾma (n): It is the weight loss suffered by the leg of the pig during the curing process to make the ham. That is to say, if a leg weighs 7 Kg, originally it weighed 14 Kg. T
Translation: Decrease.
Pronunciation: depletion
►Montanera mõn̪taneɾa (n): is the last phase of Iberian pig breeding before slaughter. It goes from October to February, conceding with the period of maturation of the acorns, which have detached from the tree and cover the pastures. They let the pigs graze freely in the pastures, where the fattening process takes place in the traditional way.
Pronunciation: mountain
►Mollete de Antequera moʝete de ãn̪tekeɾa: It is a type of typically Andalusian soft crumb bread with an oval shape, making a cut in the middle as if it were a clam to eat it with sausage and oil. There are different types, being that of the town of Antequera the most common. It is baked to eat it hot.
Pronunciation: antekera muffin
►Palette shoulder (n): It is the front leg of the pig cured in the same way as ham. Its cutting is more laborious since it has more bone. Pronunciation: palette
►Piara pjaɾa (n): Herd or herd of pigs. Translation: Herd.
Pronunciation: piara
►Origin pɾoθeð̞en̪̟θja (n): Indicates the place where the ham has been cured. It is very important as it greatly affects the flavor of the ham. Each region has its customs that are the result of tradition. The origin bears fruit to the denominations of origin. Translation: provenance.
Pronunciation: prosedenzia
►Puntilla pun̪tiʝa (n): It is a short knife with a rigid and inflexible blade that is used to separate the stuck meat from the bones and separate the outer bacon rind. It also serves to mark the bone and prevent the ham knife from touching it.
Pronunciation: lace
►Salchichón salʲ ͡ʧ i ͡ʧ on (n): It is a sausage very similar to the sausage, but it is wider and is spicier when it has pepper. Its ingredients are: minced lean pork, bacon, salt and spices such as pepper, oregano, nutmeg and cloves. Cut into thin slices to serve as an appetizer or sandwich.
Pronunciation: saltxitxon
►Sobrasada soβ̞ɾasað̞a (n): It is a typical Mallorcan sausage, with a very reddish color due to the sweet paprika with which it is seasoned. It is made from selected pork meats, salt and a little black pepper. In traditional Mallorcan cuisine, sobrassada is consumed in various ways, but above all it is served on bread.
Pronunciation: sobrasada
►Tapa tapa (n): In Spain it is a tradition to go out for tapas, that is, to go to different bars and eat small appetizers. Renowned chefs with Michelin stars also offer tapas in their restaurants and it is very common to find them in any bar.
Pronunciation: cap
►Toθino bacon (n): It is the part of the fat that is found under the skin of the pig. It is eatable. Acorn-fed ham is especially healthy, since bacon contains all the oleic acid provided by acorns, which is beneficial for health. It is whitish in color that becomes transparent when touched as it melts. This does not happen with reserve ham, with a more yellowish color.
Translation: fat.
Pronunciation: tosino
►Tomasito tomasito (n): It is a type of muffin bread with a size similar to that of a bun. It is baked and opened in the shape of a clam to put sausage, cheese or other food. It is white with a soft crumb, since it is very tender. It is a typical bread from Andalusia, in southern Spain.
Pronunciation: tomato