Ricky Martin likes our Iberian ham
That we all love Iberian ham is something that's not up for debate, but did you know that currently, Spain is the world's leading producer and consumer of ham? It probably doesn't surprise you, but the passion for ham is so strong that it transcends borders and knows no nationalities.
Even some vegetarians make exceptions for Iberian ham, as is the case with Ricky Martin. Renowned figures like Oriol Elcacho, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson, Viggo Mortensen, and Obama love our national treasure.
Another famous fan of our Iberian ham is Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin, who, despite being a vegetarian, only makes an exception for 100% Iberian ham. Because Iberian ham is so good and healthy that it appeals even to the most famous individuals, who we know take great care of themselves.
- But why is it so irresistible? Undoubtedly, its delicate flavor, its red color with bright tones, and its intense aroma have something to do with it. But there could be countless reasons, as many as there are tastes.
That's why at Enrique Tomás, we have a principle: to let our customers taste the ham so that they are absolutely convinced of the ham they're buying. Eat ham and just enjoy it!