From beginner to expert in a few pages
Ham is the standard-bearer of Spanish gastronomy and as such, at Enrique Tomás we care for it, we value it and we work with all possible delicacy. In order to fulfil our objective of making a name for ham in the world, we want to show you all the keys to ham and not just the end result of a long process. We want you to enjoy yourself, but we also want to teach you everything there is behind the scenes in the world of ham, we want you to master the theory and become, like us, expert ham makers.
With this book, Ham for Dummies, we want you to learn everything about ham, we know you know how to eat it, but do you know where ham originated, its history or all the details about pigs, the wonderful and exclusive Iberian pigs or that there is also very good ham made from white pigs... A complete guide with theory, curiosities, processes and everything you have always wanted to know or that has always caused you to doubt about ham, that delicious food that we love so much and makes us so happy.
A very complete summary
"Para Dummies" is a series of learning books that aim to present simple guides for readers on a wide variety of subjects and for Enrique Tomás it has been an honour that Editorial Planeta has chosen us to present the wonderful world of ham, our passion. To give you an idea of what you will find, here is part of the summary of the book:
- Origin and History of Ham
- The Pig, that great unknown
- General information about ham
- How a ham is cured
- We go shopping and then we go home with him
- Do you think you already know everything about ham?
A very original gift
There are many of us who take our passion for ham a step further, so if you know someone, don't hesitate to give them the new book Ham for Dummies, because not only will they thank you for it, but they will surely end up sharing their wisdom with you.
That person who always has a leg of ham at home at Christmas, that person who enjoys cutting his own ham, or that person who always goes to the same trusted delicatessen where he knows that they will only sell him the best product, the one he likes the most... that person, and anyone who, like Enrique Tomás, is a lover of ham and the world that surrounds it, is the reader who will thank you for having surprised him with a gift like this. And if you want to surprise even more, don't hesitate to get the special Enrique Tomás reading pack, which includes the new book Jamón para Dummies, the already famous book Las Grandes Mentiras del Jamón and the Libro de la Experiencia del Jamón, where in addition to reading, you can also eat!
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