Successful franchises, the franchises of Enrique Tomás
There are many successful franchises in Spain, but far fewer in the food sector, and Enrique Tomás is among them. The Enrique Tomás franchises make up the world's largest chain of ham shops.
Founded by Enrique Tomás himself almost 40 years ago, he initiated a family business project based on an original and innovative store concept: two lines of business in one. One area is a store with a wide range of Iberian and non-Iberian ham, cold cuts, cheeses, wines, etc., and the other is a tasting bar area where customers can try and taste everything they see before taking it home.
This perfect balance between tradition and innovation is succeeding, so much so that we have expanded our number of stores here and beyond our borders (France, Mexico, Peru...), and the list of countries will continue to grow shortly. We'll explain everything you need to know to invest in a successful franchise, offering efficient service, excellent value, various investment options, and attractive profitability.
Let's get started!
What is a franchise and how does it work?
Our Franchise and Expansion Manager, Javier Lobo, provides detailed answers.
"A franchise is a commercial agreement between two independent entrepreneurs who share a common project. The path is always the same as in any other partnership: it's about leveraging strengths to make the most of a market opportunity. The strengths depend on each project but are centered around elements that make up the value chain."
In the case of Ham, the opportunity is clear: a new product category that is breaking into the world market decisively, just as Sushi, Pizza, pasta, and American hamburgers did before. Ham brings freshness and a new culinary proposal to a market tired of the same old offerings.
And, why franchising? Because in mature markets like ours, opportunities alone aren't sufficient for success: we must have or acquire internal factors within the value chain that allow us to face challenges with sufficient guarantees.
And, what internal factors does Enrique Tomás have? There are many, but we group them into two main dimensions: what the franchisor brings and what the franchisee brings. A necessary symbiosis to achieve success and make the Enrique Tomás brand one of the profitable franchises to consider.
The franchisor
In our case, as a franchisor, we bring advantages in purchasing and quality control, marketing, assistance, and training. These advantages are very hard to imitate, and that's exactly what the franchisee is buying. The ham market is very complex, made up of many thousands of different producers who also do things differently.
In fact, no two hams are the same! - "Ma'am, did you like the ham? Well, I no longer have that one," as Enrique Tomás would say. Purchasing and quality control is a strength that Enrique Tomás himself built over time, dedication, and great effort, and it's impossible to copy, as many try to do when they see a clear market opportunity.
Marketing support, as another force that works to fill the stores with customers, is another significant real advantage. And of course, the operations team that trains and provides commercial assistance to the franchisee so that their know-how increases from day one, with the utmost guarantee of success.
What does the franchisee bring? Something essential: proximity. Every Enrique Tomás store must have a "mother," who is the figure of the franchisee, earning customer loyalty every day with excellent service and local knowledge, while providing their staff with the appropriate tools to perform their work efficiently and responsibly.
Enrique Tomás Franchises, Prices, and Options
Now you'll better understand why at Enrique Tomás, we aren't seeking mere investors to run our stores; rather, we're interested in individuals committed to the company, wanting to grow with their activity and become part of this great ham shop family.
We want all Enrique Tomás franchisees to have a rewarding experience on a personal level and, above all, on an economic level—something that changes their lives. But we ask them to get involved as much as we will in supporting them from day one.
Below, we detail the three types of franchise models we offer:
This is the most common establishment. We seek a good location for the Enrique Tomás franchise store, in busy areas with natural foot traffic.
We divide it into the two traditional business lines (tasting area and store) and decorate it with our colors to make it recognizable and maximize the brand's strength.
Enrique Tomás Store
Space in this case is much smaller and is usually in highly trafficked areas of shopping centers, making management very easy.
The bar area is smaller but well-designed to efficiently serve the tables around the kiosk.
Enrique Tomás Kiosk
This is the smallest format we work with. It's a considerably smaller space where the two Enrique Tomás icons take center stage: hand-carved ham and freshly made sandwiches. It requires low investment and when managed well, it can lead to very high profitability.

Enrique Tomás Corner
With 60,000 euros, you could start as a franchisee partner. For more information, visit the franchise section on the Enrique Tomás website and get in touch with us. Also, check out this video:
Whatever your question or interest, let us know. We'd love to hear from you. Contact us! Don't wait any longer!