Enrique Tomás began his career over 40 years ago in a delicatessen stall in Badalona's Mercat de la Salut, in search of the friendly service and fresh atmosphere offered by Spanish markets, some of which are over a hundred years old, and which give character to neighbourhoods.

Thanks to accumulated experience, well-defined values (tradition, quality, work, commitment, and gratitude), and great entrepreneurial intuition, Enrique Tomás started opening his own establishments in 1987, expanding them throughout the province of Barcelona. In parallel, he created and designed the necessary corporate structure to ensure that the management of the different shops was consistent, sustainable, and profitable.

The treatment and care of the product, the realization that the best way to serve customers is to guarantee quality, and the clear perception that 'a sale does not end when the customer pays but when the customer returns' are the pillars of the Enrique Tomás brand. The flagship product of the company is high-quality ham, available in various culinary presentations and both as whole pieces and in any of the different cuts that the piece allows.

Enrique Tomás es la cadena de jamonerías más grande del mundo, y uno de los aspectos que nos ha permitido lograrlo es nuestro claro compromiso con la calidad garantizada. Hemos formado un equipo de profesionales que se encarga del producto desde el secadero hasta tu casa.
En Enrique Tomás, cada producto es cuidadosamente atendido desde el principio. Nos asociamos con artesanos del jamón y productores que comparten nuestra pasión. Cuando hablamos del triple proceso de selección, nos referimos a las tres fases fundamentales de tratamiento de cada uno de los jamones y paletas que llevan la etiqueta Enrique Tomás. La primera selección se realiza directamente con los productores, luego una segunda se lleva a cabo cuando el producto llega a nuestra empresa y, finalmente, una tercera revisión justo antes de enviártelo para que lo disfrutes.