What is the difference between Reserva ham and Bodega ham? October 11, 2017 Spanish cuisine is known worldwide for its rice dishes, stews, and, of course, its ham, especially the famous Iberian ham. Mastering the various curing methods is not as easy as...
How to present a good plate of ham and show off October 09, 2017 Ham is one of those ingredients that should never be missing on a special occasion, whether it's an anniversary, a family celebration, or any other type of gathering. Properly presenting...
ham dictionary January 02, 2017 Descubre el mundo del jamón ibérico con Enrique Tomás. Conocerás términos como 'bellota', 'bodega', 'chorizo', 'dehesa' y 'lomo' en este emocionante viaje culinario. Aprende a pronunciar correctamente estos conceptos y...
Where can you travel with Enrique Tomás ham? December 30, 2016 Christmas is a time for visiting family, sharing, and celebrating, and often that involves traveling. You might be visiting relatives, or on the contrary, flying abroad to celebrate the holidays...
FIGS WITH HAM December 15, 2016 During Christmas, undoubtedly the star product for appetizers is ham, whether it's Iberian Cebo ham or acorn-fed Iberian ham. It's something we all look for on the table to enjoy....
Find out who the winners of the Enrique Tomás Advent Calendar are! December 07, 2016 Because Christmas is a time to feel like children again, at Enrique Tomás, we wanted to revive the tradition of the Advent calendar, but with an Iberian flavor, of course....
Protect the ham in summer August 03, 2016 The meaty sensations of ham can be quite intense, especially in summer, so you should always look for that thin slice that effortlessly melts in your mouth. The white streaks...
100% ham, pure pleasure May 31, 2016 What Does It Mean When Ham is "Ibérico Puro" or 100% Ibérico? Lately, we hear different terms for this ham that might create confusion: 100% Ibérico, Ibérico Puro, 100% de...
JUST EAT HAM AT HOME March 16, 2016 Enrique Tomás and Just Eat have joined forces to bring your ham cravings right to your doorstep. Finally, you can savor the different flavors of ham from the comfort of...
The formats of the ham February 17, 2016 Discover the variety of ham formats on the Enrique Tomás website. From whole ham to sliced and diced, explore our options to adapt the taste of ham to your lifestyle...
CHRISTMAS SNACKS WITH HAM December 23, 2015 During this holiday season, we get the urge to cook. If 15 people are coming over for a meal, we'll cook for 24, just in case they're still hungry. First,...
5 ways to taste ham December 13, 2015 There's nothing like enjoying, and a ham tasting is precisely for that – to enjoy while learning which one we like the most. What Types of Ham Tastings Are...
5 seasonal recipes with ham November 30, 2015 Ham accompanies us throughout the year, but when the cold weather arrives, seasonal foods come with it: Artichokes, cardoons, wild mushrooms, peas, sweet potatoes... At Enrique Tomás, we've put together...
PAIRED TASTING CYCLES October 08, 2015 The paired tasting cycles between Enrique Tomás and Grupo Codorniu are beginning! Once a month, a sommelier from the Codorniu group and a master ham cutter from Enrique Tomás will...
The Ham Proverb August 31, 2015 We've been scouring the web, and it turns out there are countless proverbs that refer to ham! It's clear to us, ham is culture! #hamisculture Water, little, and ham, all...
Picnic August 12, 2015 On vacation in your own city? Many are heading to Ibiza, Mallorca, Benidorm, or catching a plane to London or even farther this summer, and there you are, staying in...
Extremadura, I will not forget you! July 15, 2015 The acorn-fed Iberian ham from Extremadura possesses all the characteristics of an acorn-fed ham: Iberian breed pig Montanera grazing Feeds on acorns 36 months of aging What's Happening in Extremadura?...
humor with ham June 23, 2015 There's nothing better than humor accompanied by good ham! That's why we've joined the outdoor stand-up comedy shows taking place on June 26 and July 10, 17, and 24 at...