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100% Iberian Acorn-Fed Ham - Selection

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  • Bellota 100% Iberian breed

  • Food: Feed + Cereals + Acorns + Herbs + Wild Plants

  • Curing time + 35 months

  • Contains no allergy-causing ingredients.

A piece of Jamón Pata Negra selected with expertise by our Jamón experts from all origins, identified with the black label that certifies the purity of the pig breed. The pieces called Selection of Enrique Tomás are pieces at their best point of dry-curing, ready to enjoy all their flavour with the quality that can only offer those professionals who know more about Jamón in the world.

Tarjeta Regalo Enrique Tomás

Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico - Selección Jamón ibérico 100% de Bellota - Pata Negra 485.00
Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico - Selección Jamón ibérico 100% de Bellota - Pata Negra 485.00
Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico - Selección Jamón ibérico 100% de Bellota - Pata Negra 485.00
Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico - Selección Jamón ibérico 100% de Bellota - Pata Negra 485.00
Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico - Selección Jamón ibérico 100% de Bellota - Pata Negra 485.00
Jamón de Bellota 100% Ibérico - Selección Jamón ibérico 100% de Bellota - Pata Negra 566.00


100% Iberian Acorn-Fed Ham - Selection

When we speak of a Jamón as "Pata Negra" we always refer to the purity of the Iberian breed, that is, the pigs from which this product has been obtained are pigs with both Iberian parents, which guarantees that their meat is 100% Iberian. Iberian pigs differ from other pigs and animals in the world because of their capacity to infiltrate fat into the muscle, fat that they obtain thanks to a controlled diet and exercise during the Montanera season in the pastureland.

Keeping one of our mottos, which says that "the best ham is the one you like the most", we can say that with one of these vacuum-packed bags of Jamón Bellota 100% Ibérico, you will experience in your own flesh what we mean when we say that Jamón is not just for eating, but to be enjoyed.


Detailed description of this piece:

  • Net weight: 7 - 7,5 kg. approx (Ham holder and knife not included)
  • Ideal for: Sliced Taste, common uses, tapas, sandwiches, to eat alone, cook and whatever is convenient. (Part weight may vary due to production conditions and other logistical aspects).


Nutritional Information (per 100g of product):

  • Energy Value (KJ/kcal): 1384KJ / 330kcal
  • Fat: 22g
    • of which Saturated Fatty Acids: 6g
  • Carbohydrates: 0g
    • of which Sugars: 0g
  • Proteins: 33g
  • Salt: 2.78g

Non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) Free


To fully enjoy your ham or shoulder comfortably, whether you don't know how to carve it or want to make the most of it, we recommend using our carving service.

When our team takes care of it, you will get maximum yield, meaning the entire ham free of external fat and bones, which you can enjoy while eating.

If you would like more information about the yield of a piece, we invite you to check → "What is the yield of a ham or shoulder".


To fully enjoy your ham or shoulder comfortably, whether you don't know how to carve it or want to make the most of it, we recommend using our carving service.

When our team takes care of it, you will get maximum yield, meaning the entire ham free of external fat and bones, which you can enjoy while eating.

If you would like more information about the yield of a piece, we invite you to check → "What is the yield of a ham or shoulder".


For our return and refund policy click here.


    Bellota 100% Iberian


    Food: Feed + Cereals + Acorns + Herbs + Wild Plants


    Curing time + 35 months


    Whole piece




    Contains no allergy-causing ingredients.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Un producte de qualitat excel.lent

Producte exquisit, d´alta gama. Va aportar un valor afegit a l´event que vàrem preparar.
Tothom ho va apreciar sense excuses. Tornarem a repetir sense cap problema.
En quant al servei logístic, molt bé. Ràpid, eficient , informant en tot moment a on era el producte i entregat correctament en plaç i lloc.

Anna Herhel
¡Muchas gracias por la rapidez! y un jamón y un vino increíblemente deliciosos. esto es perfecto 🫶

¡Muchas gracias por la rapidez! y un jamón y un vino increíblemente deliciosos. esto es perfecto 🫶

E.J Won
Très bon!!

I first tasted it in Barcelona and compared all the jamons, and since then I've been back to France and always order it. I am always impressed by the quality and the fast delivery system.

Vicky Baños
Jamón espectacular

Se lo regalamos a un compañero por su jubilación y no pudimos hacerle más feliz.