Where to buy Iberian Jamón in Hungary
If you live in Sweden and you're a lover of Iberian ham and want to know where to buy Iberian ham in Hungary, keep reading because you're about to learn a lot about it from the best. You adore ham, the king and most international product of Spanish gastronomy, or maybe you haven't tried it yet and are curious to know what you're missing out on. Well, you're in the best place to find out everything!
We make it very easy for you at Enrique Tomás. We explain its types and varieties and how to buy it without having to travel, with the total guarantee of quality and purchase, without having to pay more money for less quality in a supermarket or specialized store in your area. Here we go!
Spanish Ham in Hungary
So, if your place of residence is Hungary and you've visited Spain, especially Barcelona for business, vacation, or family, you've probably visited one of our stores and tried our Iberian products. We are the ham specialists and we don't want you to give up on this delicacy due to distance. Through our customers, your opinions, and questions, we know you love our ham, and we want you to keep buying it easily, safely, and with the highest guarantee when you return home to Hungary.
You might know a Spanish restaurant in your area of residence or even a gourmet store where you can find delicious Iberian ham. But at what price? What quality? Are you paying more than its quality is worth? Is it the same as what you've tried in Spain? Look no further!
We'll bring it to you wherever you are and tell you everything about what, how, and in what way.
Next, we'll give you all the elements to make the decision that best suits your palate and also your budget. Above all, one of the things that concerns us most as specialists in the field is that you know that the best ham is not the most expensive, but the one you like the most.
Types and Qualities of Ham
The first thing to understand is that Spanish ham comes in two classes:
Non-Iberian Ham or Gran Reserva
Gran Reserva ham comes from white pigs. The second important thing to know is that white pigs are raised all over the world. They are raised only on farms and fed with feed. It is the simplest of all types of ham and also the cheapest.
Iberian Ham
Iberian ham comes from pigs of the Iberian breed whose mother is always 100% Iberian. And it is only raised on the Peninsula of the same name. It is the only animal in the world that has the ability to infiltrate fat into the muscle. This characteristic is what makes its ham so special and juicy.
At the same time, Iberian ham has different qualities and flavors, depending on the diet and the percentage of Iberian breed of the animal, which can be 50%, 75%, or 100%. And of course, prices will be related to the characteristics of the animal but especially to the curing process. An Iberian ham raised on feed and cured for 24 months cannot cost the same as an acorn-fed Iberian ham that has been raised in freedom and whose ham has taken more than three years to cure, with the care and patience of an expert.
The different Iberians are:
Iberian Cebo Ham
This ham comes from an Iberian pig fed on feed and cereals in a farm. Our Iberian cebo ham is cured for a minimum of 24 months for ham or 18 months for shoulder.
Acorn-Fed Iberian Ham
This ham comes from an Iberian pig of pure breed whose mother is 100% Iberian, and it has also been fed freely on acorns and wild fruits during the last 4 months of its life, from November to March (Montanera).
100% Iberian Bellota Ham - Pata Negra
This ham comes from a purebred Iberian pig, meaning both the father and mother are Iberian. It has also consumed acorns and wild fruits during the last 4 months of its life.
Our Flavors and Formats of Iberian Ham
Just as with any good dish, if the ingredients are very important, so is the touch of the chef who shapes and flavors them. The same is true when it comes to making ham. The Iberian pig is born the same in all parts of Spanish geography, but each producing region will give it its special touch thanks to various elements: climate, diet, and especially the manufacturing and curing process implemented by the "chef," as we call it at Enrique Tomás. Based on these elements, we will have a classification of flavors that we'll detail below.
Our Flavors
The mildest and most palate-friendly ham. It's the "go-to" ham because it's so pleasant and elegant that everyone loves it. It's always a safe bet, especially for gifting!
A ham full of nuances and very aromatic both in aroma and palate. Perfectly cured for the most ham-loving palate.
The flavorful ham is the most recent of all. Its production is smaller than in other geographical areas. It's very deep, different. It's like an explosion of flavor that lingers in your mouth and memory.
The most international ham is the intense ham. Its flavor is unmistakable due to its richness and persistence on the palate. For ham enthusiasts with a demanding and resistant palate.
Whole Piece
The whole piece can be a ham (rear leg of the pig) or a shoulder (front leg of the animal). Available in all flavors and origins.
Boneless Piece
We have boneless pieces of Gran Reserva Ham, Iberian Cebo, and Acorn-Fed Iberian.
We have all types of sliced ham and shoulder, in individual packages for each type and origin.
Sliced Ham Packs
We have packs of various types and prices for ham or shoulder: travel packs, the Experience Book, the Excellence of Ham, and the tasting boxes that combine ham and Iberian sausages. All of them are great for making delicious gifts!

The Experience Book by Enrique Tomás
Our Online Store from Hungary
As serious experts in ham, we will also explain the flavors and varieties so that you don't feel deceived or simply so that you know what you're buying. If it's worth the money you're going to pay for it. If not, think about how easy it is nowadays with online shopping.
At Enrique Tomás, we offer you the easiest, fastest, and safest way to shop online from your computer or mobile, with the certainty that you're buying a product of the highest quality. Of course, everything is fully guaranteed, guided by professionals with extensive experience and a recognized reputation who want to ensure that you enjoy eating ham and pay a fair price for the quality you receive.
Guaranteed Product. Enrique Tomás Total Guarantee
Enrique Tomás offers a total guarantee service; our pieces undergo a minimum of three checks to ensure that you receive your product at its perfect point for consumption. If your ham still isn't what you expected or doesn't turn out well, DON'T worry. Our pieces are fully guaranteed. We'll replace it within 10 days of receiving your order at your home.
Packaging and Shipping
If you're concerned about shipping, don't worry, everything is properly vacuum-packed and well-packaged to ensure it arrives perfectly. Shipping to Hungary will cost you around 20 euros, but it's free if your order is over 150 euros. Furthermore, you'll receive a guaranteed gift for orders over 100 euros and discount codes for product reviews.
As you may have already noticed, you won't lack for ideas. All our hams, whether whole or sliced, make for a gourmet gift. How many times do you look for something unique to give as a gift, especially on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and of course, Christmas? Well, give ham, and you'll be seen as a king or queen! You'll make the best impression. At Enrique Tomás, you'll find packs as the best option for gifting: to a family member, a client, to impress, to pamper... And think about how hard it is to find something like this in Greece with the quality we offer.
Have you seen how many advantages there are to shopping online from your computer or from our app for buying ham on your mobile? Fast, secure, and directly from the experts who truly know ham. If you have more questions, you can contact our experts through the chat on our website or send us an email to web@enriquetomas.com.
It couldn't be easier and safer!