mejores partes del cerdo

What are the best parts of the Iberian pig?

Did you know that absolutely everything is used from the pig? At Enrique Tomás, as ham experts, we have been familiar with this animal for many years, we know all its parts in depth and we know how to treat them to get the most out of them and give us the best results in the kitchen. Are you curious to know what are the best parts of the Iberian pig? In this post we are going to detail the characteristics and the most common forms of preparation in Spanish cuisine .

The most valued parts of the Iberian pig

In Spain we are used to eating pork in any of its many variants, from the legs to the snout. The first thing you should know is that if the meat comes from the Iberian pig, any part of it will be extremely juicy and tender, as well as tasty. The genetic ability of the Iberian pig to infiltrate fat into the muscle is reflected in the appearance, texture and flavor of all its meats. If you want to know more details about the Iberian pig, such as its origin and difference from other types of pigs, we recommend that you consult "Pig breeds: the Iberian pig".

Although we assume that all types of Iberian meat offered by the Iberian pig are of exceptional quality. We can say that, although they differ in price, depending on the part from which it comes from the Iberian pig, there is not one better than another, but we must take into account the purpose for which we want it. In this post we are going to select as "the best parts of the Iberian pig" those that are best considered in the gastronomic world for their quality, their organoleptic characteristics and their culinary possibilities.

Iberian meats that come from the Iberian pig

Iberian tenderloin

We highlight the sirloin as one of the most appreciated, leanest and most tender pieces of the Iberian pig. We would stay with the Iberian sirloin for its flavor, its tenderness and its simplicity in handling . This is a tender, elongated muscle found on the upper rear of the pig. It is very easy to fillet, cut in half or simply cook whole.

As preparation methods, the sirloin accepts practically all the ways we can imagine: grilled, barbecued, baked or stewed. Like the Iberian pork, currently in many restaurants it is presented raw or macerated: as carpaccio or as "steak tartar ".

The Iberian prey

One of the most characteristic pork meats given its quality to make delicious sausages such as the acorn-fed Iberian loin or the morcón. It is located next to the shoulder, at the top and front of the spine. It has a significant amount of infiltrated fat, which makes it a delicacy for meat lovers due to its especially juicy flavor. It is rounded and it is recommended to cut it into fillets.

The ideal is to make it grilled or grilled, marinated or natural with spices to taste. To notice the nuances of the meat well, the simpler the better. Today there are many restaurants that offer Iberian pork in carpaccio , in very fine cuts, to directly offer us its flavor and smoothness.

The Iberian secret

The secret is one of the most gourmet meats of the Iberian pig, it is a very juicy meat due to the streaking it has, one of the parts with the highest proportion of infiltrated fat because it comes from an area close to the animal's shoulders, in what we could call "the armpit". That is why its texture is extremely sweet and tender. Unlike the dam, it is a very flat and fine part, so it is recommended not to cut it before cooking it. It is ideal for grilling or grilling, since with the heat it will lose part of the infiltrated fat, leaving it exactly to the taste of the cook.

The Iberian pen

The pen is just what is before the loin and it is also an area of ​​the pig with a lot of flavor. Two feathers of between eighty and one hundred grams each are obtained from each pig. The ideal preparation for the Iberian pluma is grilled, toasting it well on the outside and leaving it very tender on the inside. It is perfect for an informal dinner accompanied by some seasonal mushrooms, some gourmet pâté or foie gras and a good red wine.

Iberian pen
Iberian pen

Cured meat: Iberian palette and Iberian ham

Iberian ham

Iberian ham is the star product of the Iberian pig
and in Spain we are the master ham makers par excellence, which makes our curing known in any corner of the world. The ham corresponds to the hind legs of the pig and absolutely everything is used from it, whether in the form of slices, cubes, shavings or even its bones to make a tasty and exquisite broth. If you want to know more about it, we recommend: “All about Iberian ham”.

Buy 100% Pata Negra Acorn-fed Iberico Ham

The Iberian palette

The Iberian shoulder is a very good option if you are looking for a smaller size than the ham but with the same delicious flavor of the Iberian ham. The palette is a highly valued format in Spain, especially in areas such as Catalonia and the Mediterranean area. These are the front legs of the Iberian pig, although they come from different areas of the animal, the curing and preparation process is the same as that of ham, although due to the difference in size, the curing time on the shoulder is less. If you like ham with an intense flavor and rather cured, you will love the palette. If you want to check prices and options of shoulders, access our online store at "Iberian Shoulder".

How to start cutting an Iberian shoulder

Now you know which are the best parts of the Iberian pig, it is up to you to decide which are the most suitable for you, according to the purpose you have and your tastes.

If you are still not sure, at Enrique Tomás we will always be willing to advise you, so on the web you will find a live chat with part of our team, they will guide you and advise you on which is the best option for you.


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